Students Win Top Awards at State Skills Conference

From left, Edgecombe Community College students Emilee Moore, Emelyn Rivas, Harry Snell, Copeland Lachapelle, and Garrett Parker won awards at the recent SkillsUSA North Carolina State Leadership and Skills Conference.
Edgecombe Community College students won four awards, including two first-place honors, at the recent SkillsUSA North Carolina State Leadership and Skills Conference. The event was held April 9-11 in Greensboro.
During the conference, more than 2,500 high school and postsecondary students competed in over 120 different skills and leadership contests.
The Edgecombe Community College team, called SkillsECC, comprises twelve student members and five instructors who serve as advisors. Student members are enrolled in College Transfer (STEM-based majors), Information Technology, Cosmetology, Welding, and Collision Repair and Refinishing programs.
SkillsECC winners are:
First Place
- Career Pathways Showcase: Industrial & Engineering Technology – Copeland Lachapelle, Emilee Moore, and Emelyn Rivas; faculty advisors Alma Bracete, Trey Cherry, Rebecca Stamilio Ehret
- Principles of Engineering – Garrett Parker; faculty advisors Trey Cherry and Rebecca Stamilio Ehret
Fourth Place
- Computer Programming – Harry Snell; faculty advisors Trey Cherry and Rebecca Stamilio Ehret
- Cosmetology – Breanna Proctor; faculty advisor Carolyn Sherrill
The following students put forth outstanding efforts in the competition:
Automotive Refinishing – Melanie Brewer; faculty advisor Bud Speight
Cosmetology – J’Nequa Hyman; faculty advisor Carolyn Sherrill
Hair Coloring – Mackenzie Butler; faculty advisor Carolyn Sherrill
Prepared Speech – Brian Rodriguez; faculty advisors Trey Cherry and Rebecca Stamilio Ehret
Skills Project Showcase: Cosmetology – Iris Battle; faculty advisor Carolyn Sherrill
Welding – Ian Carlyle; faculty advisors Trey Cherry and Rebecca Stamilio Ehret

Edgecombe Community College Cosmetic Arts student Breanna Proctor won fourth place in the Cosmetology competition at the recent SkillsUSA North Carolina State Leadership and Skills Conference.
This year’s competition marks the fourth consecutive year that the Career Pathways Showcase: Industrial & Engineering Technology team has won first place at the state level. This team has won gold at the national level for three consecutive years. Team member Emilee Moore was a member of last year’s team that captured first in both the state and national competitions. Moore is a student at ECC and Edgecombe Early College High School.
Garrett Parker, who also is an ECC/Early College student, has now won the top award twice in the Principles of Engineering category at the state level. Parker also won gold at the 2018 National SkillsUSA Championships, and he will compete at the nationals again in June.
In addition to his fourth-place showing this year, Harry Snell, another ECC/Early College student, won first place at the state level last year in Skill Project Showcase-Individual: Engineering.
“We are so proud of these students who worked so hard and represented the best of Edgecombe Community College,” says Trey Cherry, SkillsECC team advisor and chair of Information Technology Studies.
“Part of our mission at Edgecombe Community College is to increase awareness of career and technical careers and the value of education and training in these areas. We want to ensure that our students are equipped with the skills they need to be successful, and that’s what SkillsUSA is all about,” he explains.
More than 2,700 students, instructors, industry members, and volunteers were on hand for the North Carolina SkillsUSA conference.