BLET Graduates Set High Mark
The graduates of Edgecombe Community College’s 15th Basic Academy for Basic Law Enforcement Training earned a significant achievement and set an unprecedented mark.
Of the 36 cadets who began the academy on Oct. 3, 2024, 32 graduated from the program on Tuesday, March 11. The graduates were all recognized in the Keihin Auditorium on the Tarboro campus as the largest-ever graduating class from the college, exceeding the previous record by 11.
ECC can also tout the pass rate for the class on an exam mandated by the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission. According to BLET School Director, Bernie Taylor, of the 32 cadets who successfully completed their requirements of eligibility in order to sit for the state comprehensive certification examination, all 32 passed, achieving a 100 percent pass rate.
“Having 36 cadets enter the program with 32 successfully completing and passing the state exam, is a direct result of our staff of 50 plus instructors,” said Bernie Taylor, BLET school director. “Of those instructors, 95 percent work full-time in the law enforcement field and take time off, which could very well be spent with their family. Instead, they teach in our BLET program to preserve the future of law enforcement.”
ECC’s BLET Academy is a 22-week program that prepares students for entry-level employment as a law enforcement officer with state, county or municipal governments. During the academy, cadets receive Officer Survival Training, training in high-risk calls, as well as 40 hours of Crisis Intervention Team Training (CIT). CIT teaches students how to effectively respond to situations involving a mental health crisis or someone experiencing a developmental disability. CIT certification is nationally recognized. The academy also provides certification in tasers, pepper spray and expandable batons.
“Without the support of the law enforcement community, our program wouldn’t be as successful as it is,” continued Taylor. “Fifteen different law enforcement agencies from across eastern North Carolina sent their personnel to this basic academy.” Of the 32 who completed the academy, all 32 were hired by one of those law enforcement agencies.
The following graduated from ECC’s BLET Academy and have been hired by the law enforcement agencies listed beside their name.
- Emma Allen, Greenville Police Department
- Franklin Arias, Scotland Neck Police Department
- Hunter Baker, Northampton County Sheriff’s Office
- Ky’Mia Council, Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office
- Rochelle Gaskins, Washington County Sheriff’s Office
- Anthony Gonzalez, Rocky Mount Police Department
- Marcelo Guijarro, Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office
- Damontay Jackson, Farmville Police Department
- Johnathan LaGrone, Chowan County Sheriff’s Office
- Jessica Little, Tarboro Police Department
- Enriqueta Lotzin, Wilson Police Department
- Re’Killya Mallory, Northampton County Sheriff’s Office
- Hunter McGee, Greenville Police Department
- Allen Melton Jr., Bertie County Sheriff’s Office
- Danielle Melton, Bertie County Sheriff’s Office
- Teresa Morales, Halifax County Sheriff’s Office
- Michael Morton, Farmville Police Department
- Thomas Proffitt IV, Farmville Police Department
- Christian Ramirez, Rocky Mount Police Department
- Isaac Randolph, Rocky Mount Police Department
- Christopher Roberts, Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office
- Marco Sanchez, Pinetops Police Department
- Dyllan Schoolfield, Edenton Police Department
- Jamoty Sharpe, Rocky Mount Police Department
- Tyler Simpkins, Rocky Mount Police Department
- Steven Smith, Wilson Police Department
- Derrick Thompson Jr, Tarboro Police Department
- Nolan Viverette, Rocky Mount Police Department
- Lucas Votava, Chowan County Sheriff’s Office
- Jermaine Whitaker, Winterville Police Department
- Dante Wiggins, Rocky Mount Police Department
- Tanner Wittig, Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office