Student Portal


Advisory Boards Inform ECC Programs

About 200 area leaders in education, health care, business, and industry joined Edgecombe Community College faculty on the Tarboro campus for Advisory Board Night held February 28. Norris Tolson, CEO and president of Carolinas Gateway Partnership, provided the keynote address on economic development investments in Edgecombe County. “Edgecombe County will be inundated with construction workers […]

NASA Scientist to Speak at ECC

Physics teachers from across the state will converge on Edgecombe Community College March 9-10 for the spring meeting of the North Carolina Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. About fifty physics educators from high schools, two-year colleges, and universities across the state are expected to attend. As part of the event, a NASA […]

ECC Barbering Receives Award

The Edgecombe Community College Barbering program received a sponsorship award for participating in the Rocky Mount Prep Male Conference in November. With the award are (l-r) Barbering students Kenta Artis, Patrick Barnes, and Antonio Mayo. The Barbering program is led by instructor Rufus McKoy.

Collision Repair Draws on Virtual Reality Technology

  Six years ago, Edgecombe Community College incorporated virtual reality technology into its Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology program. Bud Speight, program chair, was a traditional autobody guy. By his own admission, he was trained old-school, he worked old-school, and he always butted heads with new technology. “I was a big skeptic,” says Speight, who […]