ECC Minority Student Group Attends Journalism Event

ECC student and EMPAC member Michael Parker Jr. (left) is shown with Alex Perez, ABC news correspondent, at a recent outreach event sponsored by the WTVD Minority Advisory Committee.
Edgecombe Community College students who are members of a minority male mentoring program recently learned about the broadcast industry at an outreach event hosted by the WTVD Minority Advisory Committee.
Members of EMPAC – Empowering Males with a Purpose to Achieve and Celebrate – attended the Saturday program held October 3 at the William and Ida Friday Center in Chapel Hill. Participants heard from a panel of broadcasters who shared their experiences and strategies to overcome barriers in the field.
ECC student Michael Parker Jr. was inspired by the personal stories of the prominent news professionals. “This was just the boost I needed to pursue my education with more intensity,” he said.
ECC staff and EMPAC mentors Stanley Sivels and Kenneth Jones also attended the event.
The goals of the college’s EMPAC program are to increase graduation and retention of minority male students, raise social and civic awareness, and promote leadership development.