ECC Summer Camps Enrolling Now

Elementary STEM Camp is one of twenty summer camps available for students ages six to eighteen at Edgecombe Community College. Learn more at
Summer fun begins soon at Edgecombe Community College!
Registration is under way for Camp College 2019, ECC’s summer camp program for kids.
About twenty summer camps are being planned for elementary, middle, and high school students ages six to eighteen. Some camps are two-hour events, others are half-day camps, and a number of camps last a full week.
Camp College is sponsored by the College’s Lifelong Learning Department, which is part of the Division of Continuing Education.
Lifelong Learning Coordinator Kathy Webb says 172 kids participated in the twenty camps held last summer. For upcoming camps this year, she focused on “changing it up a bit.”
STEM camps have traditionally been among the most popular events, with weeklong camps designed for elementary and middle school children.
This year, camps are being added in career and technical education fields, such as construction camps for boys and girls, game design, programming and microcontrollers, a metal working camp for girls, CSI Camp, and Mixed Bag of Science Camp.
“We want kids to be engaged and to have fun, but we also want to provide ample opportunities for them to try out different career fields to see what interests and challenges them,” Webb explains.
In addition to STEM-related camps, another popular camp is the Summer Theatre, Music, and Dance Camp. A weeklong event that meets June 17-21, this unique camp includes study in acting, musical theatre and voice, dance and stage movement, design and production skills, and a final public performance.
Summer Theatre, Music, and Dance Camp is designed for rising 4th to 12th graders. The instructors are Roberta Cashwell, an English, communications, and drama instructor at ECC and creator of the camp; Patricia Bradshaw, who owns and operates Dance Studio B; and Dooley Ezzard, who has been in music education for 44 years.
A new addition to ECC’s Camp College slate of offerings is Brim Fishing 101 for rising 1st to 5th graders. The camp meets the morning of May 18.
Other new camps are Sphero Camp and Origami Camp. Writing and art campus are popular standbys that are being offered again.
Camps meet May through July, and fees range from $25 to $150. The camps are led by ECC faculty along with instructors from Edgecombe and Nash-Rocky Mount public schools.
To learn more about the camps, including a description, dates, and fees, please visit Online registration and consent forms are available.
Registration also can be completed by contacting or (252) 823-5166, ext. 293.