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Edgecombe Community College and East Carolina University Forge new Pathway for Success

ECC and ECU officials sign a bilateral agreement. Pictured l-r are ECC President, Dr. Greg McLeod; Dr. Allison Danell, professor of chemistry and dean of the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences at ECU; and Dr. Jeff Popke, chair for ECU’s Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment

Edgecombe Community College signed a bilateral agreement with East Carolina University Monday, February 17 on the ECC campus. The agreement will enable ECC students to finish their Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Geospatial Technology-Geographic Information Science, and complete their BS in either Geographic Information Science and Technology or in Geography at ECU.

“Anytime you can come together and either establish or grow a relationship with great partners like ECU, that’s a wonderful thing to do,” said Dr. Greg McLeod, ECC president.

Geospatial Technology encompasses technology such as digital maps, Geographic Information Systems, satellite imagery and more. According to Trey Cherry, department chair for Information Technology Studies at ECC, there are several options in the program, including attaining a college certificate, diploma or a two-year degree. Certificates are also offered to high school students who are dually enrolled in the program.

“The program is unique in that it is the only two-year geospatial technology program in the state of North Carolina,” stated Cherry. Additionally, Cherry noted that the program is offered 100 percent online.

Dr. Jeff Popke, chair for the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, acknowledged that students who hone their abilities in a particular field of GIS will be equipped with the knowledge for a beneficial career.

“Skills in geospatial analysis and the ability to use and apply geospatial technology are in high demand across a high range of careers,” said Popke. “So, we know that the knowledge and skills students are acquiring in the program here are setting them up for long-term career success.”

McLeod stated that this is not the first partnership with ECU. The Pirate Promise Program provides a seamless transition for ECC students who complete an associate degree to transfer to ECU. The Information Technology Studies Department also has an existing agreement that allows graduates with an AAS in Information Technology-Networking & Security to transfer to ECU as well.

For more information about Geospatial Technology-Geographic Information Science at ECC, visit