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Edgecombe Community College Discusses Partnerships with Elizabeth City State University

Representatives from Edgecombe Community College and Elizabeth City State University met recently to discuss collaborations between the two schools. From left are (front) Carson Rich and LuAnn Riddick, ECSU; ECC President Dr. Greg McLeod; ECSU Interim Chancellor Dr. Karrie Dixon; Dr. Harry Starnes, ECC; (back) Dr. Coray Davis, ECSU; Debbie Batten and Michael Jordan, ECC.

Dr. Greg McLeod, president of Edgecombe Community College, and Dr. Karrie Dixon, interim chancellor of Elizabeth City State University, met last week to discuss partnerships between the two schools.

Dr. Dixon, who was recently appointed interim chancellor of ECSU, traveled to ECC’s Tarboro campus on October 16 as part of her regional tour of community colleges that are based near ECSU.

The two leaders discussed programs offered at the community college as well as new opportunities for ECC students who want to transfer to ECSU to complete a four-year degree.

Through the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement with the University of North Carolina System, NC community college students who complete an approved associate degree program are guaranteed a spot at a University of North Carolina institution. Students enter the UNC schools with junior status.

In addition to this College Transfer program already in place, Edgecombe Community College and Elizabeth City State University are looking at new initiatives to strengthen transfer opportunities for ECC students.

“We look forward to working with Dr. Dixon and her team to develop new degree pathways and partnerships that will benefit ECC students,” says Dr. McLeod.