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Introduction of SGA Officers and Student Ambassadors

2024-2025 ECC Student Ambassadors (from left): Aubrey Ward, Tristan Revis, Sasha Williams, Biancha Webb, Eddie Batchelor, and (advisor) Shaquana Deans-Thorne

Tristan Revis is a super senior at the Edgecombe Early College High School on the campus of ECC. After graduation, he plans to attend East Carolina University to major in biology and become a trauma surgeon. Sasha Williams has a different path. The ECC student currently works for Aetna Healthcare.

“After graduation, I plan to focus on my nonprofit for maternal health and to educate my community on maternal health,” said Williams.

Revis and Williams were among the 2024-2025 student ambassadors and SGA Officers who introduced themselves to board members during a Board of Trustees meeting on Oct. 10. Other student ambassadors include Eddie Batchelor, Aubrey Ward and Biancha Webb.

“We choose a select group of students every year to represent ECC,” said Shaquana Deans-Thorne, admissions counselor and advisor to the Student Ambassadors. “They participate in different activities, assist in touring students around campus, and participate in community events. At the end of the semester, they are awarded a scholarship for being an ambassador.”

(From left) ECC SGA President Tiffiny Wolf and ECC Board of Trustees Chair Rev. Jerry W. Spruell

Board members were delighted to hear from student ambassadors and this year’s Student Government Association officers. All of the students shared their lofty aspirations, from becoming a dentist, a teacher and an occupational therapist, to careers in social work, public policy, education and more.

SGA President Tiffiny Wolf introduced the 2024-2025 officers, including Vice President Frances Snipes, Secretary Kadijah Jenkins, Treasurer Zakya Parker, Public Information Officer Breyonnia Branch, Parliamentarian Lyra Lindsay, Curriculum Representatives Timothy Suggs and Aleeya Herring, and Early College Representative Avery Wittig.

Wolf also announced the many accomplishments of SGA, like joining with Pizza to the Polls to host a voter registration drive Sept. 17. “Make Voter Registration SWEET” encouraged 15 people to register to vote for the first time, with 84 students, faculty and staff pledging to vote. On Oct. 2, SGA held a Virtual Voter Registration Drive, showing attendees how to update their registration, find their sample ballot and more.