President Leads Statewide Community College Organization

Dr. Deborah Lamm, president of Edgecombe Community College, is the 2016-2017 president of the North Carolina Association of Community College Presidents.
Dr. Deborah Lamm, president of Edgecombe Community College, has begun a one-year post as president of the North Carolina Association of Community College Presidents (NCACCP).
Her 2016-2017 term as president began in July. As president, she will plan and conduct monthly, one-day meetings in Raleigh and quarterly, three-day meetings throughout the state; set the Association agendas in collaboration with the NC Community College System Office staff and local presidents; coordinate committee/task force/liaison assignments; attend and report at the State Board of Community Colleges’ monthly, two-day meetings; lobby the General Assembly on behalf of the System and the presidents; and serve as the overall spokesperson for the NC community college presidents.
The purpose of the NCACCP is to foster and promote the growth, progress, and general welfare of North Carolina’s community colleges through the unified efforts of the presidents. The Association provides a mechanism and process for involving the presidents and institutions in making system-wide decisions.
Dr. Lamm, a 37-year veteran of the North Carolina Community College System, has been at the helm of Edgecombe Community College since 2004.
A leader among North Carolina educators, she is past president of the Eastern Presidents’ Association, past chair of the Legislative Committee of the Presidents’ Association, and past co-chair of the Joint Legislative Committee of the NCACCP and the NC Association of Community College Trustees.
In 2007, she was named one of 100 Incredible Women by East Carolina University. In 2011, she received the I.E. Ready Distinguished Leader Award from NC State University’s College of Education; and in 2015, she received the Eastern Council’s Boy Scouts of America’s Distinguished Citizen Award.
Other 2016-2017 NCACCP officers are:
Vice President – Dr. Susanne Adams, Brunswick Community College
Treasurer – Dr. David Johnson, Johnston Community College
Secretary – Dr. David Shockley, Surry Community College