Student Portal


Eighth Graders See Careers in Action

Eighth graders from Edwards, Nash Central, Parker, Red Oak, Rocky Mount, and Southern Nash middle schools and Tar River Academy toured the Lamm Building on the Rocky Mount campus of Edgecombe Community College recently through Communities in Schools. Students participated in interactive demonstrations and learned about various career pathways offered at the College. Shown is […]

Greene Central High School ROTC visits ECC

Edgecombe Community College President Dr. Greg McLeod welcomes members of ROTC from Greene Central High School in Snow Hill. The students recently toured the Tarboro and Rocky Mount campuses and participated in program demonstrations including Collision Repair and Refinishing, Cosmetic Arts, Facility Maintenance Worker, Historic Preservation, and Surgical Technology. See photos on Facebook

Trustees Honor Early College Principal

The Edgecombe Community College Board of Trustees recently recognized Edgecombe Early College High School Principal Matt Smith, who has been named 2019 North Central Region Principal of the Year. He is one of eight finalists for the title of North Carolina Principal of the Year. The Edgecombe Early College High School is located on ECC’s […]

North East Carolina Prep Hosts ECC President

Phillip Lampron (left), upper school principal at North East Carolina Preparatory School, recently hosted Edgecombe Community College President Dr. Greg McLeod at the school. The leaders discussed new opportunities for partnerships that will strengthen college and career readiness for students. Currently, more than half of NECP juniors and seniors are enrolled in free Career and […]

Edgecombe Education Leaders Meet

Dr. Valerie Bridges, superintendent of Edgecombe County Public Schools, and Dr. Greg McLeod, president of Edgecombe Community College, met on Friday and discussed collaborations and training initiatives between the two institutions as well as future partnerships. “Dr. Bridges and I are united in our mission to ensure that all Edgecombe students are equipped with a […]

ECU Brings Pirate Promise to ECC

On October 10, East Carolina University admissions staff introduced Edgecombe Community College students to the Pirate Promise, a new partnership that provides a seamless transition for ECC College Transfer students to the university. The program enables students, while enrolled at ECC, to benefit from a variety of ECU services prior to transferring. Shown is Erica […]

ECC Signs Co-admission Agreement with ECU

Edgecombe Community College has signed a co-admission agreement with East Carolina University. The agreement is designed to improve transfer student access and success through a collaborative degree completion program. Students apply to Edgecombe Community College and East Carolina University simultaneously and commit to maintaining full-time status. Upon completing an associate degree, they will seamlessly transition […]

School Counselors Attend ECC Institute

Edgecombe and Nash elementary, middle school, and high school counselors; CTE coordinators; and career coaches attended last week’s Counselor Institute at Edgecombe Community College, held June 18-20. Participants toured Honeywell Aerospace in Rocky Mount, took part in ECC program demonstrations, and learned about admissions and financial aid at the College. Schools represented were Bailey, Coker-Wimberly, […]

Students Attend College Fair at ECC

Students from Tarboro, North Edgecombe, and Southwest Edgecombe high schools, and North East Carolina Prep School attended an October 20 College Fair at Edgecombe Community College to learn about opportunities in higher education. About 50 college counselors associated with the Carolinas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers were on hand to promote their schools and programs. Shown […]

Communities in Schools Students Tour ECC

Communities in Schools students from Nash Central Middle School, Red Oak Middle School, and Rocky Mount Middle School visited the Rocky Mount campus of Edgecombe Community College recently to learn about various career pathways offered at the college. Faculty and staff met with students and provided demonstrations in cosmetology, criminal justice, early childhood education, historic […]