Edgecombe Community College and the University of North Carolina Wilmington have renewed a partnership agreement that guarantees admission to UNCW for qualified ECC students. The UNCW PathWays program, formerly known as UNCW Pathways to Excellence, assures admission to UNCW for students who complete an associate in arts or associate in science degree at Edgecombe Community […]
Edgecombe Community College agribusiness technology graduates have a new option available to continue their studies at the University of Mount Olive. ECC President Dr. Greg McLeod and UMO President Dr. Ed Croom have signed an agreement that will enable ECC agribusiness technology graduates to transfer to UMO to complete a BA or BS degree in […]
Edgecombe Community College students learned about college transfer opportunities during the recent North Carolina Community College Transfer Fair held on the Tarboro campus. Representatives from 16 colleges and universities were on hand to provide students with information on college transfer, admissions, and financial aid. Shown are a student and Amariche Hawkins, assistant director of admissions, […]
Edgecombe Community College and East Carolina University have partnered to provide ECC nursing students with options to accelerate the completion of a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Through the Eastern North Carolina Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nurses (RIBN) program, students complete the associate degree in nursing at ECC and the bachelor’s degree in nursing at ECU. Students […]
Students from North East Carolina Prep School and Edgecombe Early College, North Edgecombe, SouthWest Edgecombe, and Tarboro high schools attended an October 21 college fair at Edgecombe Community College to learn about opportunities in higher education. College counselors affiliated with the Carolinas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers were on hand to promote their […]
For two weeks last winter, Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte shut down following a ransomware attack that compromised much of the school’s computerized data. Numerous students were in danger of missing a full semester, or in some cases, possibly graduation, including 17 students in its health information technology program. That’s when Edgecombe Community College […]
Aspiring law enforcement officers who are interested in jobs that require a four-year degree should first look to Edgecombe Community College. ECC and Barton College recently signed a transfer agreement that will enable ECC Criminal Justice graduates to transfer as juniors into Barton’s bachelor of arts in justice administration program. “Some of our students are […]
Students from Edgecombe Community College learned about college transfer opportunities during the recent North Carolina Community College Transfer Fair held on the Tarboro campus. Representatives from 20 colleges and universities were on hand to provide students with information on college transfer, admissions, and financial aid. Shown is Jill Hilliard, associate director of transfer admissions at […]
More than 200 students from North East Carolina Prep School and Tarboro, North Edgecombe, Southwest Edgecombe, and Edgecombe Early College high schools attended an October 22 College Fair at Edgecombe Community College to learn about opportunities in higher education. College counselors associated with the Carolinas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers were on hand […]
Edgecombe Community College and North Carolina A&T State University have signed an agreement that will enable ECC Agribusiness Technology graduates to transfer into N.C. A&T’s bachelor’s degree program in agriculture education. “We designed the agreement so that our students can transfer seamlessly to their four-year program,” says Dr. Johnica Ellis-Kiser, program chair of business administration […]