Surgical Technology Students Travel to Duke Raleigh

The students who participated are (l-r): Brittany Cox, Maria Hernandez, Amyah Ward, Bidjie Fervier, Tara Davis, Kaitlyn Watkins, and Mattalyn Rouse. Not pictured are chair, Suzi Shippen-Wagner, and faculty, Lindsey Brickhouse.
After securing our partnership with Duke University Health System, Inc, the ECC Surgical Technology Program was excited to expand their clinical experiences to include the Duke Raleigh facility.
On Jan. 8, the ECC Surgical Technology students were invited to the campus of Duke Raleigh for a tour of the premises and to hear about what to expect while doing their clinicals at the facility. The tour was a result of efforts by Department Chair Suzi Shippen-Wager, and Faculty member, Lindsey Brickhouse. The Surgical Technology students were welcomed by the staff. Concluding the tour, the ECC Surgical Technology Program was given a “generous amount” of donated supplies for use in our laboratory.