Seventeen law enforcement officers completed Crisis Intervention Team training held December 2-6 at Edgecombe Community College. Eight agencies were represented: Edenton Police Department, Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office, Elizabeth City State University Police Department, Kinston Police Department, Longleaf Neuro-Medical Center Police Department, Stantonsburg Police Department, Vidant Police Department, and Wilson County Sheriff’s Office. EastPointe in Rocky […]
Dr. Greg McLeod, president of Edgecombe Community College, was the guest speaker at the 33rd Fatherhood Initiative Graduation Ceremony on November 20. The Fatherhood Initiative is a program of the Edgecombe County Department of Social Services. Shown with the graduates (wearing purple hats) are (from left) Lewis Clark, Fatherhood Initiative coordinator; Betty Battle, DSS director; […]
Edgecombe Community College’s Alpha Omega Nu chapter of Phi Theta Kappa inducted twenty-eight students into its membership during a November 21 induction ceremony held on the Tarboro campus. Phi Theta Kappa is an honor society for students attending two-year schools. The guest speaker at the induction ceremony was Jean Bailey, president of the Edgecombe Community […]
The Human Services Club at Edgecombe Community College recently reached out to the community to combat hunger. In November, club members collected and delivered more than eight large bins of food to the United Community Ministries Shelter in Rocky Mount. After delivering the food, club members volunteered at the shelter by serving food to the […]
Ronnie Ellis, a longtime friend of Edgecombe Community College and the ECC Foundation, has donated an antique grandfather clock to the College for permanent display in the historic Norfleet House on the Tarboro campus. Monika Fleming, program coordinator of the Historic Preservation program, estimates that the clock was built in the 1820s. The clockmaker was […]
Edgecombe Community College Associate Degree Nursing students who are members of the Student Nurses Association participated in the 2019 Twin Counties Heart & Stroke Walk at Rocky Mount Mills on October 26. Shown are (front, kneeling) Amanda Cary-Bunn, Kalen Burwell, Veronice Simmons, Alexis Ellis, (back) Ama Selly, Sonya Smith, Mandy Smith, Kerstan Riley, Kaila Bolden, […]
Reserved parking spaces for Edgecombe Community College students who are veterans or active duty military were unveiled during the Veterans Day Memorial and Recognition Ceremony held November 11 on the Tarboro campus. ECC President Dr. Greg McLeod and Angie Estes, financial aid advisor and VA coordinator, presented the first reserved parking space, which is located […]
Edgecombe Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Career Pathway was recently certified at the state level for meeting criteria of the NCWorks Pathway Certification Program and the Northeastern NC Career Pathways local implementation certification program. Shown from left are Dave Whitmer, executive director of the Northeastern Workforce Development Board, with ECC representatives Brittany Harrelson, administrative assistant; Michael […]
Edgecombe Community College graduated ten cadets from its Seventh Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy on October 29. The graduation ceremony featured comments by Aaron McRoy, platoon leader. ECC’s BLET Academy prepares students for entry-level employment as a law enforcement officer with state, county, or municipal governments. The cadets completed an intensive 20-week program and have […]
Edgecombe Community College students Jonah Ussery (left) and Jasmine Harris decorated pumpkins during Fall Fest held in October on the Tarboro campus. Hosted by the Student Government Association, Fall Fest also featured food trucks, music, a photo booth, games, and giveaways. Transportation was provided for students on the Rocky Mount campus so that all students […]