Dr. Greg McLeod
Dr. Greg McLeod took office as president of Edgecombe Community College in August 2018. He is the fifth president of the College, which was founded in 1967.
A native of North Carolina, Dr. McLeod grew up near the small town of Raeford in Hoke County. After graduating from the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics in 1989, he earned a bachelor’s degree in math education at UNC-Chapel Hill as an NC Teaching Fellow Scholar.
After college, he taught middle school and high school math before working briefly in corporate marketing. Later, he earned a master’s degree in training and development and a certificate in business management at NC State University and a Ph.D. in leadership and education at Barry University in Florida.
Dr. McLeod began his community college career at Durham Technical Community College teaching developmental math, first as an adjunct instructor and then full-time. From there, he served in a variety of roles at St. Petersburg College in Florida, supporting student retention and success initiatives, overseeing college-wide testing and student system support, and eventually leading student affairs of the Health Education Campus.
Next, he served as provost and executive director at St. Johns River State College, leading campus operations, academic and student affairs, and community relations for the St. Augustine Campus. Following this role, he served as provost and chief administrative officer of the Williamsburg Campus at Thomas Nelson Community College, now Virginia Peninsula Community College, and as the college-wide interim dean of health professions.
Dr. McLeod has been active in several higher education-related groups over the years. His dissertation research focused on selected predictors of academic success for students in developmental math, and he has presented at numerous conferences on student retention and success.
He strongly believes in mentoring and serving the community. He has actively served as a mentor to middle school, high school, and college students over the years, and developed and led a summer coding and robotics camp targeting underserved youth. He also helped to coordinate and lead high school leadership and youth career exploration programs.
Dr. McLeod currently serves as treasurer of the NC Association of Community College Presidents and a member of the American Association of Community College’s National Council on Black American Affairs. He serves on the American Association of Community College’s Economic and Workforce Development Commission. He also serves on the NC Community College System Developmental Education Redesign Committee, the Strategic Plan Data Advisory Committee, and the System Advisory Council.
Locally, he is a member of the Tarboro-Edgecombe Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Strategic Twin-Counties Education Partnership Board of Directors, and Carolinas Gateway Partnership Executive Board, and serves as vice chair of the Upper Coastal Plains Learning Council. He is past president of the Rotary Club of Tarboro.
Dr. McLeod is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and Sigma Pi Phi (The Boulé) Fraternity, Inc. He and his wife, the former Beverly Wilkins of Oxford, NC, have a son and a daughter.