Students are referred to this program through Workforce Development, OIC, and/or other third party entities. This program is designed to serve students who are un/under employed and assist them in developing skills needed to obtain and retain positions in health care. The program is taught in four (4) phases.
Phases I, II, and III of PHCAST are offered at the Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) several times each year. Interested students should contact their location of interest or Jennifer Norville at to determine course offerings, eligibility and requirements.
Contact the site of interest to determine the process and when the next upcoming courses are scheduled.
Tuition and fees vary depending on student eligibility, progression, and approval through the application process.
All Health Occupation students are encouraged to take the CRC/Work Keys Assessment prior to completion of a course. It should only be taken once.
Charles Washington
Carla Freeman
(252) 212-3469
Amy Brown
Edgecombe County Business Incubator
Jennifer Norville
(252) 618-6569