College Transfer


Christine Nicodemus
Dean of Arts and Sciences
Office 108, Fleming Building, Tarboro Campus
(252) 618-6635

Community College Course Equivalencies With UNC Institutions

All campuses of the University of North Carolina system accept many community college courses as equivalencies to courses on their campuses. See how courses you take at ECC will be transferred to these particular campuses.

Comprehensive Articulation Agreements with the University of North Carolina and Signatory Independent Colleges and Universities in North Carolina

In an effort to simplify and facilitate transfer of credit between community colleges and public and private colleges and universities in North Carolina, the State Board of Community Colleges has developed separate agreements with the University of North Carolina System and signatory independent colleges and universities in North Carolina. The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement with the University of North Carolina System and the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement with specific private colleges and universities in North Carolina, address the transfer of students from North Carolina community colleges to public and private colleges and universities in North Carolina.

The major provision of both comprehensive articulation agreements allows students who complete the A.A. or A.S. degree requirements at any community college to transfer to constituent institutions of the University of North Carolina and relevant private colleges and universities with junior status, considering them to have fulfilled the lower division, general education requirements of the receiving institution.

Community college graduates who have earned 60-61 semester hours of academic credit in approved college transfer courses with a grade of “C” or better in each course and an overall GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale will receive at least 60-61 semester hours of academic credit upon admission to relevant colleges and universities covered under these agreements. Courses may also transfer through bilateral agreements between institutions. Courses offered through bilateral agreements may not transfer to all receiving institutions.

Edgecombe Community College offers these degrees that may transfer through both comprehensive articulation agreements.

During a student’s A.A. or A.S. degree program, students are encouraged to take courses that align with one or more of their intended transfer institutions’ transfer pathways. Students may learn about and develop these pathways through their ECC ACA 122 coursework, through their college transfer advisor, and by visiting the transfer page.

ECC Pathway in Pre-Engineering

Students earning an Associate of Science degree may pursue a pathway in Pre-Engineering. Students interested in this pathway should contact Rebecca Stamilio-Ehret, Pre-Engineering Pathway Coordinator, for courses required to transfer to four-year engineering programs, (252) 618-6659.

NC Promise Programs ($500 In-State University Tuition)

Looking for an affordable transfer option? Don’t forget to check out the NC Promise Program which reduces tuition at four UNC System schools: Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Western Carolina University. Learn more

More College Transfer Options

Students enrolled at one of the campuses of the University of North Carolina system, and who took community college classes, but didn’t complete a degree, may be eligible for Reverse Transfer. With Reverse Transfer, coursework taken at the four-year institution can be transferred back to the community college with the possibility of earning a community college degree after the fact. Learn more about this possibility.

In addition to ECC’s A.A. and A.S. transferring to universities in the University of North Carolina System, ECC has 2+2 agreements with four-year institutions for these and other ECC degrees. See below to learn more about ECC degrees accepted into specific four-year degree programs at specific four-year institutions.

NOTE: The agreements below are for specified time frames. Check with the contact above regarding whether or not a specific agreement has expired.

North Carolina Teaching Fellows

Up to $4,125 per semester for students interested in teaching a STEM or Special Education licensure area. Be a part of the legacy. Be a part of a brighter future. Apply today.