Inclement Weather Policy for Health Sciences Students Assigned to a Clinical Site
The College administration uses the national weather service advisory for Tarboro and Rocky Mount to decide if and when the college will close during inclement weather. The college realizes that students may be traveling to campus or to clinical sites from an area that is not under the same weather conditions as our local area. Students should not attempt to travel to campus or clinical sites if weather conditions are too hazardous to permit safe driving regardless of College announcements. Students should use information from the national weather service in their area to guide their decision to travel if classes are not officially canceled. Even though safety is the first concern, students must avoid any abuse, or potential abuse, of this situation.
Clinical Decision by 5 AM
The decision to close the College or delay opening during inclement weather is the responsibility of the President or his/her designated representative. A decision concerning clinical will be made by 5 a.m. by the Dean of Health Sciences if the college has not yet made an announcement about campus closing or a delay. Students will need to call the College telephone number (252) 823-5166 and press 7 to listen to campus announcements about class cancellations or delays.
If there is not an announcement about a delay or closing at ext. 7, classes will operate on a regular schedule. However, clinical MAY still be on a delay due to the need for students to leave much earlier than if attending class. For this information, call the college back at (252) 823-5166 and dial extension 9601. The absence of an announcement by 5 a.m. should alert students that clinicals will operate on a regular schedule.
When the College is Closed or on a Delay
If the announcement at ext. 7 states that the campus is closed, clinical is also canceled. If the announcement states a delay, clinical will begin at the same time that the campus opens. Ex. for a 2-hour delay, clinical will begin at 10 a.m.
Early Closing
If the College closes early after the start of clinical, the Program Chairs will notify the Clinical Instructors to dismiss the students from clinical at the time of the College closing.
Make-up Schedule
In the event of any absence due to inclement weather, the College is required to ensure that students receive their full hours of instruction/learning through the addition of make-up hours to the schedule or outside assignments. Faculty must make up hours when at all possible but may develop an outside assignment for students to complete to ensure that the course objectives are met for the time missed. The outside assignment should require equivalent time (as the missed class/clinical hours) and should be meaningful to the student in terms of content material missed in a face to face setting.