Program Contingency Plan

ECC Radiography Program Contingency Plan

“A crisis is an excellent predecessor to prepare for the next crisis.”

“The foremost of our decision making is always the safety and well-being of our students and program faculty”

This plan will address any catastrophic event that would have the potential to disrupt normal operations of the radiography program yet ensure quality education. Four goals of the contingency plan:

Appropriate Technological Tools for Remote Work

  • Hardware, software, internet capabilities, and the ability to access accreditation files and data and college files.
    • Faculty and students are to have access to a dependable computer or laptop with internet capabilities.
    • Faculty and students are to have access to a webcam for virtual meetings and course deliverance
    • Program Chair is to have access to Datatel (student records) on laptop for advising purposes, if needed.
    • Through virtual office, the RAD faculty is to have access to radiography files and master plan of education (R drive) while teleworking

Communication Strategies

  • Virtual meetings (daily, weekly, monthly – to assure continuity and inspire connection on a personal basis)
    • Faculty are to meet daily as needed – (time & day to be announced)
    • Faculty are to meet weekly as needed – (time & day to be announced)
    • Faculty are to meet monthly as needed – (time & day to be announced)
  • Use of Google Meets, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Moodle Collaborate etc., are identified as communication methods
    • Radiography program is to use Google Meets as needed for virtual meetings and student course content deliverance as preferred virtual platform
      • If virtual deliverance method is used, it will be recorded and shared with all radiography students for future review(s)
    • Radiography program uses GroupMe phone application for student communication
      • identifiable group name is by cohort, example, ECC-RAD-2024-2026.
      • identifiable private faculty group name, is RAD Faculty
  • Students are encouraged to hold virtual study groups with the DUO application or other platform on their personal phone or through Google Meets, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.

Course Deliverance and Safety Measures

  • Radiography program is to use synchronous face-to-face (f2f) deliverance of material companioned with web-enhanced content (asynchronous). [IF a class cannot meet through the synchronous f2f method, an asynchronous deliverance of material will be conducted by the instructor and notification will be sent in the application GroupMe student/faculty chat, email, and by personal phone call.]
    • The college and the program are to use Moodle companion for all courses
    • Each RAD prefix course is to use Moodle companion for upload of all course documents.
      • Testing and quizzes are to be held in Moodle using Respondus lockdown browser.
      • Assignments are to be uploaded into Moodle through the Drop Box
    • All clinical education is to be face-to-face (synchronous) and conducted in the clinical agencies or the lab on campus through simulation by approval of the program chair and the clinical coordinator.
      • Plan for potentially delayed clinical experiences
      • In the event of clinical cessation of students due to a pandemic, there may be a delay in clinical requirements and experiences (this could delay graduation)
    • Competency Simulations will be conducted on campus in the x-ray lab as a last resort.
    • Didactic deliverance of lectures will be:
      • delivered on campus face-to-face.
      • if virtual methods are required by the college, or the program, Google Meets will be the preferred tool platform
    • All labs are to be hands-on, face-to-face instruction and demonstration
      • Small groups of no more than 8 students per lab session
      • Active labs less than the suggested six feet physical distance, faculty and students are to wear a mask, and/or face shield along with the use of hand sanitation. Gloves are to be donned at the digression of the situation by the radiography faculty.

Ongoing Support with creativity and flexibility in sound decisions that will provide positive outcomes for students

  • Faculty are to revisit the contingency plan periodically during the handbook revisions in the month of June.